Friday, June 7, 2013

I Got Tested (A Bod Pod Experience)

I've been working with a nutrition coach who specializes in athletes and the first thing he recommended doing was to get my body composition tested.  Previously, I've tracked body fat using both calipers and BIA (those bodyfat scales you can use at home) and they both suck.  Calipers require a high degree of skill to use and only measure subcutaneous fat.  Even with an experienced tester, the margin of error is around 5%.  BIA has a margin of error around 8% and is greatly influenced by hydration levels.  Depending on the machine you have, BIA also only measures your lower body fat (scales) or your upper body fat (handheld devices).  Not to mention that you aren't supposed to consume caffeine for a week prior to BIA testing.  Eff.  That. 

For example, I would wake up and get on my fancy bathroom scale and get a reading of 40%.  I'd then use my handheld Tanita device and get a reading of 30%.  Then I'd go to the gym and one of the trainers would measure me to be 22% and another would measure me at 32%. 

I always told myself that it didn't matter what the actual numbers were; the trend is what was important.  But it's hard to see a trend when the margin of error is greater than the change.  (Did I really lose 5% body fat or is that part of the +/-8%?)

So anyways, my coach advised me to get a Bod Pod measurement.  Bod Pods have a 1% margin of error, which is similar to underwater weighing and DEXA scans, but is cheaper and easier.  Plus, being repeatedly dunked in water or bombarded with radiation just isn't my thing.  Google told me that a local university had a Bod Pod, so I called and made an appointment for Jason and I for that same week. 

Photo from

I was told to wear tight fitting Lycra shorts and a sports bra for the testing and not to eat or exercise for 3-4 hours before the test.  They said that normal hydration was okay, but I had read elsewhere not to drink anything 2 hours prior to the test. 

We got to the testing lab, donned a stylin' swim cap, and got weighed.  Then we sat in the Bod Pod, a big egg-shaped chamber that looked like something out of a B-list Sci-Fi movie.  The tester (who was a grad student in the Human Performance Lab) ran two tests with us just sitting in the machine.  We sat there, perfectly still, for about a minute while the pressure was changed inside the machine.  It wasn't uncomfortable or anything, but my ears felt a little funny.  Then, he repeated the test with us breathing into a tube so he could account for our lung volume.  This part was a little tricky.  The machine required us to breathe at a certain pace and then huff at the end.  Jason took three tries.  I, however, am excellent at breathing and nailed it on the first shot. 

We got dressed and got a printout of our results.  All to the tune of $25, each.  It took less than 30 minutes from start to finish.  

Now about the results...  it is what it is.  As I said, my body fat numbers have been all over the place each time I've been tested before, so I really didn't have a certain number in my head.  These results are really just a starting point for my journey with my new coach.  I'll test again in 3 months and all that will matter is that the number goes down. 

This link will give you all the science of how a Bod Pod works (pdf). 
This link will take you to a Bod Pod site locator. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Run for the Dream Race Recap

The Run for the Dream 8k was held in historic Williamsburg at the College of William & Mary to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project and An Achievable Dream.  The Wounded Warrior Project is one of my favorite charities, and I was really excited to be running for such a great cause with our Crossfit team.

Before the start of the race, Dave McGillivray, the race director of the Boston Marathon, gave a very moving speech about the bombings.  He said that his young son was at the finish line when it happened and his son later told him that he didn't want him directing the race anymore.  When he asked why, the son said because he wanted to direct it.  Running spirit, yo!

Normally, I don't really get nervous about races, but I did have my doubts that I would be able to finish this one.  Five miles isn't all *that* long, but I hadn't done any longish runs since I tore my meniscus last summer.  Not to mention it was already 75 degrees an hour before the race started.  I told my fellow Crossfitter, Cory, that I would run with him since he was a little worried about the race, too.

That worked for about 2 miles. 

I lost Cory.

Actually, I think Cory decided he didn't want to run with me anymore and was hiding, but either way, he was next to me one minute and gone the next.  I looked for him for a minute, then kept running.  I caught up with Coach Heather and her husband, Chris, and ran with them for a bit.  Heather hurt her leg last month and still finished the race.  Meanwhile, Chris was prancercising.  

The single best part of the race was when I passed Team Wounded Wear at mile 4.  The team was a group of soldiers in full gear carrying a "fallen soldier" for the entire race.  They were so inspiring that runners were stopping to cheer for them.

I went in to the race without a set goal.  I mean, I hoped to finish in under an hour, but since I had planned to run with Cory, I wasn't trying to beat the Garmin.  Surprisingly, I finished in 58:35, and that included Cory's potty break at mile 1.  Less than a 12:00 min/mi pace in 80 degree weather... I'll take it. 

Shortly after I finished, Louis Lodovico, the oldest runner in the race came across the finish line.  He is 89 and finished in 5 miles in 1:03:34.  How amazing is that?  When I grow up, I want to be just like him!  

The race, itself, was great.  The volunteers were friendly and the course was full of locals cheering us on.  Lots of food and beer was available after the race.  The BBQ alone was worth the race fee.  The bling wasn't bad, either.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How I Lost Seventy-Some Pounds

At least three times a week, someone asks me, "How did you lose the weight?"

The problem is that I don't have an answer: at least an answer that most people want to hear.  I didn't count calories.  I didn't drink shakes.  I didn't take pills.  I didn't stop eating any food groups.  (Those stories are for a different post.)  

I eat food.  Only food.  Real food. 

Revolutionary, right? 

Some people call it the Eat Clean Diet.  Others call it the Whole Foods Diet.  I guess that's fine if you like to put a name on it.  But I just eat food.

At this point, you may be saying to yourself, "But I eat food.  Lots of food!  Why haven't I lost any weight?"  Well, I hate to break it to you, but you probably aren't eating real food.

 Lean Cuisine.  Not real food.

100 Calorie Snack Packs.  Not real food.

Lemon flavored water.  Not real food.

Honestly, if it has an "ingredients" list on the back, it's probably not food. 

But how does eating real food make you lose weight?   What's the difference between eating 2000 calories of processed food and eating 2000 calories of real food?  A calorie is a calorie, right?  

Not really. 

Now, there's a whole slew of science that goes on in the body when you eat anything.  I could put my degree to good use and go into all the chemistry that goes on, but that's kind of beyond the scope of this post.  I do, however, recommend reading The Eat Clean Diet, The French Don't Diet, or Practical Paleo, as all three have great sections about the physiological effects of eating processed foods.  Or, you can always visit PubMed and read some studies if you're into that sort of thing.  (No worries; I won't judge your inner nerdiness). 

But what about the Twinkie Diet?  That proves you can eat processed foods and still lose weight, right? 

See, that's the terrible thing with science.  You get one "study" that goes viral and decades of other research goes right out the window.  ABC News has a pretty decent critique of the study in layman's terms that is worth the read.  Basically, weight loss doesn't always equate with improved health.  Plus, a low-calorie junk food diet is hard to maintain over the long run.

"The impact of an unhealthy diet is felt in years, not weeks."

So, what do you actually eat? 

Everything.  A typical breakfast is uncured bacon, pastured eggs, and my favorite pumpkin pancakes made with real maple syrup.  Lunch is often a grass-fed burger with a baked sweet potato (topped with real pastured butter) and a green smoothie.  Dinner may be fish or a steak with roasted beats, broccoli, and squash.  My favorite snack is dark chocolate with crystallized ginger or homemade custard made with raw milk.

Really, though, these are just a few examples.  There's very little I can't eat.  Instead of potato chips, I fry sweet potato slices in coconut oil.  Instead of boxed cake mix, I make one from scratch with eggs, butter, and almond flour.  It really doesn't take any more time to bake from whole ingredients.

I am never hungry and I am never deprived.  I still eat ice cream, burgers, pizza, and chocolate.  I don't count calories; yet, I've still managed to lose weight.  Not only have I lost over 70 lbs, I've kept it off for two years.  And the great thing is, everyone can eat real food.  It doesn't matter if you're vegan, low-carb, paleo, vegetarian, etc.  All you have to do is stop eating the fake processed foods (ie. vegan hot-dogs and low-carb bread) and eat real food instead. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial Day Murph

Happy Memorial Day!  This weekend, gyms across the country will be doing Murph, in honor of Lt. Michael Murphy, a Navy seal killed in action in 2005.  Please take a few minutes to watch this video of Lt. Murphy posthumously being awarded the Medal of Honor. 

The story is that this is the workout that Lt. Murphy did almost every day when deployed to Afghanistan.  Oh, except he was also wearing a weighted vest.  Thankfully, we only have to do this WOD once a year (weighted vest optional).  Now, the Crossfit website says to partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed (such as doing 10 rounds of 10, 20, and 30), but our Coach Heather is a big meanie-head and made us finish each exercise before moving on to the next.  Strangely, a feel like more of a badass not breaking up the WOD, so maybe Heather knows what she's doing afterall.  ;-)

I finished in 55:00 minutes using black and blue bands for the pull-ups.  The worst part was definitely the push-ups.  All of our WODs this week have been very shoulder heavy and my stamina just wasn't there.  Jes kept cheering me on and telling me to do just 5 at a time.  After I finished, I did the final lap with Cory and Vanessa.  I'm so proud that they didn't stop.  #beastmode

Everyone totally rocked it!  So much that this was the best we could do for our "goofy" picture. 

Photos courtesy of Heather at Profound Crossfit

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes

I've mentioned these pancakes before, but I thought it was time to actually share my recipe. 

paleo pumpkin pancakes zomg nom

So I know that there a hundreds of paleo pancake recipes out there, but I really like this one because it doesn't use any flour at all.  Coconut and almond flour is super expensive, yo! 

Now, the key to this recipe is the quality of ingredients.  I use both pastured eggs and pastured butter and real Grade B maple syrup.  Fresh pumpkin is awesome, but canned pumpkin works, too.

This recipe is adapted this recipe from Practically Paleo, but I played with the spices since the original recipe was a bit too bland for me.  The ginger gives it a nice kick while keeping it kid-friendly. 

The brands I use are linked in the recipe, and no, I'm not an Amazon affiliate.

Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes  
(Makes 2 servings / 8 small pancakes)

4 eggs
1/2 c pumpkin puree
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp melted butter 

Mix all ingredients together until completely blended.  Heat pan or griddle to 300 degrees.  Pour approximately 1/4 c of batter for each pancake and let cook until firm. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013


My Inner Fit Chick is now on Facebook.  This works out great because a lot of stuff I want to share doesn't really need its own blog post.  So, feel free to join us!


Friday, May 17, 2013

Super Smoothie

I've been drinking green smoothies for years, but I finally found the PERFECT recipe.  I've branched out and now I use a spinach/kale/chard mix (usually Earthbound Organics Power Greens).  I used to use fresh fruit, but frozen fruit tends to be cheaper and easier to work with.  No more rinsing and slicing.  I also don't need to add ice when I use frozen, so one less ingredient.  I've also started adding coconut oil, because, well, coconut oil is just full of awesome.  Just a bit of local, raw honey provides some sweetness.  Oh, and did I mention that raw honey is a superfood?  A scoop of green powder rounds it out.  It really only takes a minute to throw the ingredients in a blender and the kids absolutely love it. 

 The brands I use are linked in the recipe, and no, I'm not an Amazon affiliate.  

Super Smoothie (Makes 2 Servings)
4 cups leafy greens
1 cup frozen berries
1 banana
1 tsp honey
1 cup water

Thursday, May 16, 2013

22 Months

The picture on the left is a month after Noah was born.  The picture on the right is a little less than two years and about 30 lbs later.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Birthday Wish List

Since my birthday is coming up, I thought I would make things easy on Jason and give him a wish list to pick from.  Honestly, I'd rather be surprised, but really, gift-giving is not his forte. 

1.  Bic Band, $12
I am constantly on a search for a headband that will actually stay put on my weird shaped head, and so far, I haven't had much luck.  I desperately need a headband while my bangs are growing out, and the Bic Band seems to have the best reviews. 

2.  Capri Running Pants, $45
I need these pants.  I have athletic thighs that rub together when I run.  No kidding, when I wear traditional running shorts, my thighs will chafe and bleed, so I need something longer that doesn't ride up.  Traditional running capris look ridiculous on me because they end at the calf, but these pants hit slightly below the knee and will be much more flattering. 

3.  Champion Sports Bra, $26
I'm really tired of having to wear 2 bras and still having bounce problems.  This bra is supposed to have maximum support without giving a uni-boob.  I'm skeptical, but the reviews are promising. 

4.  Under Armour Compression Shorts, $25
As I said in #2, my current running shorts just aren't working.  These seem like they would work well for both running and Crossfit. 

5.  Workout shirts, $10
My box has their own shirts, but you really just can't beat the price on these shirts from Target.  I mean, why pay more than $10 for something that's just going to get pit stains anyways?

Optimist May 5k Recap

Yesterday, I ran the Optimist May 5k at Windsor Castle Park.

I freakin' PR'ed. 

The course was a hilly trail (that the Garmin registered as 3.2 miles) and I still beat my best post-baby race time.  Not that 35:43 is all that impressive or anything, but I went into the race just hoping to finish after my meniscus tear last year, so I'll take it. Anyways, the actual race was great, aside from the part where the volunteers sent the kids the wrong direction during the Fun Run.  Kaelin finished her first race and placed 3rd.

Despite the dreary weather, it was a pretty fun day.  Several people from our box ran the race, so we got to spend some time with them. 

 Photo courtesy of Heather at Profound Crossfit

Out of ten of us running, seven placed overall or in their age groups.  Jason even placed! 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Deadlifts and Box Jumps

I was a little nervous about tonight's WOD since lunges always make me feel like I have daggers shooting into my butt checks and that's definitely not what I need for tomorrow's hilly 5k.  But I did it anyways, even though Jason wussed out and stayed home.  I'd never done a farmer's carry before, so I chose a lighter weight, but after carrying babies under both arms for the last two years, I could have gone heavier.  I finished in 10:21 with 15 lb weights for the carry and 10 lbs for the lunges. 

I stuck around after the WOD to see who was going to be at the late class, but nobody showed up, so Coach Bobby worked with me on some skills.  I did my first box jump ever and deadlifted 135 lbs for two reps.  We didn't want to really push to hard because of tomorrow's race, but I'm pretty excited about the deadlift.  I'd never gone heavy before and I'm sure I can at least hit my body weight next time. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Pukey Tempo Run

Today's WOD was a 1 mile run, then 150 situps, followed by another 1 mile run.  Cake, right? 


I went too fast on the first mile and after 100 situps, I was spent.  Each rep after that was vomit-inducing.  Then running another mile after those situps...  I was pretty happy with my time, though.  The two miles were 18:45 and 27:46 for the whole WOD.  I'm pretty sure that's the fastest I've ever run without the treadmill propelling me.

Sh*t Crossfit Girls Say

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Crossfit - 5.1.13

Nothing all that exciting today.  I used a 10 lb dumbbell for the squats and finished in 11:59.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Overhead Squats

We did a new move at Crossfit tonight, the overhead squat.  We practiced with lighter weight first, but once I started lifting a full load, my core was shaking.  I managed 31 lbs, but it was tough.  And in some pull-ups and dips and boy, were my shoulder blades burning!  I finished in 8:30. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

A Birthday WOD

Today was Coach Heather's birthday, so a few of us snuck into the box to decorate and make a birthday WOD for her.  Even the babies helped decorate.

Anyways, the WOD sucked.  I will never like burpees, especially if I have to do any more than a few in a row.  Jason and I went to the morning class and left the babies in the play area.  Ha!  They were fine until the buzzer sounded and they wanted to come work out with us.  Yeah, we won't be taking them to the box again.  I finished in 10:02.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Jeanette's Birthday WOD

It was Jeanette's birthday, so obviously we did a birthday WOD.  Twenty-nine rounds.  Do you know how hard it is to keep track of 29 rounds?  Thanks, Jeanette!

Anyways, my Knees to Elbows still sucks and I did dips on the tire, but I finished in 22:53.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Run - 4.11.13

I ran with Jason at Windsor Castle Park.  It was only 78 degrees, but man, with those hills, it felt much hotter.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Crossfit - 4.10.13

Today, we spent some time working on cleans before we got into the WOD.  I finished in 13:30 with a 45 lb deadlift.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hot Shoulder Workout

Another beautiful day in Hampton Roads, and while I'm loving the 85 degree weather for sitting on the deck with a cold beverage, I was not looking forward to Crossfit in a box without air conditioning.

The WOD looked pretty easy, at least by Crossfit standards.  I wasn't sure about the KtoEs, but shoulder presses are one of my favorite lifts. Then I realized it was going to be a 20 minute shoulder-intensive workout.  Heather advised me to lower my weight, but I was still shaking by round 3.  I'm not kidding that Jason and I argued over who would drive home because neither of us could lift our arms.  My time was 22:45 with a 31 lb shoulder press. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

A Blah Sort of Run

We started the day with some yummy Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes and then went for a quick run when Jason got home from work.  Poor guy was practically falling asleep during the run, but the weather was perfect and we didn't want to wait until the afternoon when it would be 85.  It was a tough run for me, though.  My legs felt like lead and I just wasn't feeling it.  


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Trails and Tea

Spring finally showed up in Hampton Roads, so we decided to drive out to Windsor Castle Park for today's run.  Since my 5k is being held there next month, we figured we'd check it out.  It was gorgeous!

There was 3.8 miles of looping trails along the water and through the woods, so we just picked a direction and started to run.  It was a bit challenging to push the double stroller up and down the hills, but Harper loved it and kept yelling for us to go faster.  We only did 2.3 miles, but after running on nothing but asphalt for the last two years, the trail was tough. 

And Kaelin did awesome!

Afterwards, we went to this little tea shop in Smithfield that specializes in organic and gluten-free treats and got the kids cupcakes.  I enjoyed some yummy hot chocolate since it was a bit chilly outside. 

I hope spring decides to stick around a little bit, since we usually go from winter straight into summer because it was a pretty wonderful day!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Pancakes and Pull-ups

I woke up this morning, after a night of broken sleep, and decided to make Paleo Pumpkin pancakes for Jason when he got home from work.  We LOVE this recipe!  Every time I make it, I make what I think will be more than enough, and then the babies will wolf down their share and steal pancakes from my plate.  Paired with some grassfed butter and uncured bacon... zomgnomnomnom. 

Crossfit was brutal, as always.  Four rounds of 25 sit-ups, 25 pull-ups, and 25 lunges on each leg.  Cah-razy!  Bobby said that us newbies could scale down the reps, but I managed.  That makes 212 pull-ups for the week.  I was struggling on the lunges, but I finished in 21:45.  My glutes are going to be burning tomorrow!